Marvel Comics puts out a lot of comics. While we can’t cover every book, every week, we can tell you where you can find your fan favorite characters around the Marvel Universe. There be spoilers.
History Of The Marvel Universe #4

As long time denizens of the Marvel Universe, it should shock no one that that many X-Men make an appearance in this title as they cover from 1981 through 1996. Javier Rodríguez does breath taking work in illustrating the Dark Phoenix Saga, the Mutant Massacre, the birth of X-Force, and more. Long time fans won’t find anything new here, but the art is a sight to behold.
Crazy #1

In this “comedy” one-shot, creators take shots at the entire Marvel Universe, X-Men included. Frank Tieri makes stale jokes about Wolverine for six pages in an award show spoof, but the real highlight is a two pager by Tini Howard and Rogê Antônio . In it, Howard shows us the next evolution of the streaming wars and make very good puns. There are so many that Howard graciously gives us unused ones in the letters pages.
Black Panther And The Agents Of Wakanda #2

Despite appearing on the cover, Broo only has one line of dialogue, off-screen in this book and it comes on the last page. It’s essentially this tweet.
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early
— dustin Couch (@Dustinkcouch) October 30, 2018
astronaut: moon’s haunted
nasa employee: what?
astronaut: *loading a pistol and getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s haunted
Iron First character Fat Cobra does eat The Void, so you got that going for you, which is nice.
Deadpool: Samurai

Probably didn’t expect this one did you? Here’s what I know, Deadpool kills some people, Wolverine isn’t happy. I don’t speak Japanese so I don’t have a clue what’s really happening here but Hikaru Uesugi is doing a Deadpool manga with Wolverine in it in Shonen Jump Plus. With 250k views in the first eight hours, this is the most popular comic Wolverine has been in for a long time. You can read the first chapter here.
Absolute Carnage: The Avengers #1

Wolverine helps fight symbiotes.
That’s about it really. He teams up with his Avengers buddies in a joint between Leah Williams, Zac Thompson with art by Alberto Alburquerque and Guiu Vilanova. It’s a tie-in to a crossover I’m not reading so I didn’t get much out of it. But there is this real good Hawkeye panel, and that’s something.
Absolute Carnage #4
Wolverine helps fight symbiotes again.
Thanks for stopping by, see you next week!
Zachary Jenkins co-hosts the podcast Battle of the Atom and is the former editor-in-chief of ComicsXF. Shocking everyone, he has a full and vibrant life outside all this.