In a perfect world, X-Force wouldn’t be necessary. That lasted a matter of days. In X-Force #3, Ben Percy and Joshua Cassara pick up right where the last issue left off. Domino is recovered, Charles Xavier is resurrected, and something of a… “force” is created on Krakoa. This X-Force isn’t showing signs of stopping so hop on friend!
KL: We’re back on the X-Force train! Choo Choo! This issue really felt like the end of an extra long #1 but I have to say it leaves me excited to see where we go after this. Any initial thoughts Ari?
AB: I think that this book is continuing its trend of improving each and every issue. There are three major sections of this issue and I love two of them. We’ll get into the details later, but as we wrap up the origins of our super secret (yea right) team, I’m more excited than ever to see how the new, full-fledged X-Force plays out in practice.
KL: Well let us go gentle into that X-Night!
Knocked Down Like Dominos

AB: Now it’s back to our regularly scheduled programming: Wolverine and Kid Omega surrounded by carnage. That sounds about right. This portion of the issue feels more like a secret special forces mission than anything else we’ve gotten in this series so far, and it has me a little concerned, as it’s the weakest part of the issue. Domino’s rescue should be scary, shocking, and sad, but it appears primarily focused on cheap laughs and explosive action sequences. Even the emotional beat between Logan and Domino doesn’t land very well. What are your thoughts on this part of the book?
KL: Like I said in the intro, this definitely felt like the back half of a #1 issue and with that I felt like Percy wanted to wrap up the rescue and what better way than to have the gang run away from one of those Titans from Attack on Titan. I guess I still like the juxtaposition of radical Quire and moderate Logan. I did really enjoy Domino getting more of a showing with her personality and interacting with other members of the team. Like you said, it wasn’t particularly exciting, but I think it was necessary for setting up Xeno, keeping the #HumansAreTrash vs. #NotAllHumans debate, and getting Domino back in the mix.
AB: You’re probably right. This seemed to be a way to wrap up the rescues in a cinematic, Indiana Jones style moment. I’m just hoping the emotion doesn’t take a back seat on future mission. That being said, you know where emotion is at the forefront? Back on Krakoa. It’s time to get a bit heavy, so….
Let’s Talk About Death Bay-Be

KL: We finally have arrived at the Resurrection of Charles Xavier and after a large amount of build up and debate, we just kinda get a weird conversation between Jean and Hank and then he’s back pretty quickly. Jean and Hank address the major theme of death and resurrection in the post Krakoa era. Jean, being the poster child of resurrection, has a strange philosophy of not fearing death makes her a better hero and that absence of fear will make mutant-kind a better community, which feels flawed in a way I have a hard time putting my finger on.
Maybe because it feels like a quick and simple answer to a huge question or maybe because it feels like it puts a barrier between readers (who likely will stay dead one day) and mutants, where traditionally readers are meant to relate to mutants. “Since we can’t die, we’re better” seems like a weird punctuation on what could be a really interesting exploration of life without death and I’m hoping this isn’t the last word we hear on this status quo. What are your thoughts on this?
AB: I definitely see where you’re coming from. I don’t think Jean’s story about visiting cemeteries growing up accomplished anything, but in the midst of all the somewhat shallow philosophy, I think Percy strikes an inkling of truth. I was ready to roll my eyes until Beast asks if out fear of death makes us selfish. It’s very direct and a bit heavy-handed, but it’s a thoughtful question that inspires what is, in my opinion, the most powerful line Percy’s written so far: “Without death, life is less about me… and more about us.”
Whether or not you agree with it, I think it has power here, in the midst of Xavier’s resurrection. Xavier is a deeply flawed man who every mutant has complicated feelings about. It would be easy to have a huge debate about whether or not Xavier deserves to be resurrected, even with everything that’s been built. In the end, however, it’s not about the decision to bring him back, but rather that they did so without a second thought that shows their commitment to the cause. It truly is a fearless and selfless act, and I think those panels show a nuance from Percy we hadn’t seen yet, although Cassara’s one weakness might be Jean, as her character seems off in multiple panels. But with a rebirth comes a death, the death of the fifth assassin. What’d you think of that Kenneth?
KL: You made some really good points centering that discussion of Xavier rather than resurrection in general! I’ll be honest, the fifth assassin bit confused me. We see a beefy arm smother the assassin that was being looked at by Sage and healer and I thought that was the mysterious death, but then the text page says the body exploded like the ones in South Korea, which we don’t see. The art of beefy arm and assassin was also confusing because I couldn’t really tell whether the assassin was smiling or not.
AB: Yea. I’m not sure if we’re supposed to be able to guess who that is just yet. The only arms beefy enough that we’ve seen so far belong to Piotr and Black Tom Cassidy, neither of which seem to have the motive beyond blind rage or some sort of mind control. Maybe Percy just wants to keep us guessing?
KL: Maybe the ambiguity is intentional but either way more questions unanswered! But one question does get answered…”When the heck is ‘X-Force’ showing up??”
X-Force Origins: Krakoa

AB: I’d say right about now! It’s official. Newsflash, the world isn’t perfect. Therefore, X-Force must be necessary (does that logic check out?). The X-Men need a secret team to strike from the shadows. Some sort of force for good. A force of X-Men. An X-Men force. A… HEY!
KL: Haha. The path of naming X-Force was…a journey for sure. I mean this isn’t like the 30th team that has used this name in twenty years or something. Despite that, I really dug this sequence! The use of the nine panel grid to draw a parallel between Xavier and The Man With The Peacock Tattoo was really effective to me and I am a complete mark for any “To me my X-Team”. Also I have to shout out Domino’s Krakoan…I want to say cybernetics but thats wrong…coating? Is Domino a Krakoan M&M now? A Krakoan shell with a squishy mutant center? It looks cool is what I want to say! Any thoughts on these last few pages?
AB: I think we’re completely in sync here, although I’m not exactly sure what Domino is. It definitely looks organic. Is this Black Tom Cassidy’s doing? Why isn’t he at this table? It seems as though there are a few questions left to be answered, but one thing’s for sure. Percy and Cassara carry out one of the best uses of the grid I’ve seen in awhile from a Big Two book. The zooming in and out of the masks and the juxtaposition of both leaders around a table of dedicated followers is executed beautifully. The way the color’s effortlessly melt into each other during this transition, and their speeches line up perfectly. It was a magnificent ending that got me very excited for the next issue. Luckily, we only have to wait a week!
X-Treneuous Thoughts

- Look I’m gonna say it…Cassara’s Wolverine looks like Batman. He just does!
- Black Tom really was about to pull up on those reporters. It’s bad when Magneto is the better PR option.
- The Cerebro Sword text is very funny if you think of it as a copypasta on a reddit post.
- Tag yourself at a meeting in the image where they’re all sitting around the trees stump. Ari’s definitely Beast: Looking like he’s engaged with info pertinent to the agenda but actually distracted by something funny on Twitter.
- Kenneth is Logan wondering why this couldn’t be an email.
- Guru-eFX does an great Dean White impersonation on colors on this one.
- The Krakoan reads: XENO
- [Ed. note: I normally make snarky remarks but I’m living in airports today so you don’t get them.]
- Make sure to check out this week’s coverage of Fallen Angels #3
Ari Bard is a huge comic fan studying Mechanical Engineering so he can finally figure out how the Batmobile works.
Kenneth Laster writes, draws, and studies Film and Gender Studies so he really hopes you’re hiring!