Listen, this might have been the worst kept secret in comics this year, even before it leaked in Previews. We had theories, we had assumptions, and, frankly, we were spot on. To be fair, it wasn’t really secret to be honest, but we’re taking the W anyway. This December, spinning out of both Empyre and X Of Swords, comics all-stars Al Ewing and Valerio Schiti launch our merry mutants into the stratosphere in S.W.O.R.D. [Ed. note: we’re just going to call it SWORD because, damn y’all, that’s a pain to type].

The book with have a great cast of characters including, Abigail Brand, Magneto, Cable, Manifold, Frenzy, Fabian Cortez, and, in a shockingly deep pull, Wiz Kid. They will be looking to do for the galaxy what Krakoa did for Earth with diplomacy and also stunning new designs from Schiti. It’s a brave new world for mutant kind.
SWORD has its roots in the Weadon/Cassaday Astonishing X-Men where it was created as a cosmic counterpoint to the earthbound SHIELD. It quickly became a touchpoint for the Marvel Universe of the 2000s, even getting a fantastic mini-series from Kieron Gillen and Steven Sanders in 2009. After the events of Secret Wars, SWORD was replaced by the Wakandan backed Alpha Flight, in a move that some industry experts called “confusing branding, but whatever”.

Former SWORD leader Abigail Brand was furious with Alpha Flight leader, and head space cop, Captain Marvel’s handling of space politics in the Empyre event and vowed to find better things to do with her time than play second fiddle to little Miss Movie Franchise. In a flash to the future, Hulkling, king of the Kree/Skrull Alliance, was shown bloodied and beaten with Excelsior the Star-Sword shattered next to him. Brand stood over him, gloating that she built something better. We’ll have to see if this truly is what the future holds when SWORD comes out this December.
Press Release
New York, NY— September 23, 2020 — ONE GIANT LEAP FOR MUTANTKIND! This December, writer Al Ewing (Immortal Hulk) and artist Valerio Schiti (Empyre) bring fans the newest X-Men title, S.W.O.R.D.! In last year’s groundbreaking HOUSE OF X, the mutant nation of Krakoa was founded and quickly became a major force on the world stage. Now, Jonathan Hickman’s grand new vision for mutantkind continues as the X-Men look to do for the galaxy what Krakoa did for the planet.
In the startling aftermath of X OF SWORDS, mutantkind will take the bold next step in claiming their destiny by relaunching the Sentient World Observation & Response Directorate to deal with all things extra-terrestrial on behalf of Earth. The events of S.W.O.R.D. will have a tremendous impact not only on the X-Men’s world, but the Marvel Universe as a whole, as the mutants of S.W.O.R.D. warp the cosmic landscape forever. The stellar cast includes Magneto, Abigail Brand, Cable, Frenzy, Wiz Kid, Fabian Cortez, former Avenger Manifold, and many other fan-favorite mutants who will be stepping into the spotlight in a major way.
Known for his critically acclaimed and thought-provoking work on IMMORTAL HULK, Ewing is now ready to take the X-Men where no one in the Marvel Universe has gone before.
“It’s an absolute blast to be working with the X-team, and to bring Marvel’s merry mutants into the new Age of Space – and introduce space to the new age of Krakoa!” Ewing said. “And it’s not just X-readers and space explorers who get what they want—fans of my more cosmic Marvel work will have plenty to digest as well, as mutantkind thinks even bigger and takes it even further, into realms I’m almost surprised they let me get away with. After conquering death, what’s next – and will we survive the experience?”
S.W.O.R.D. will reunite Ewing with superstar artist Valerio Schiti. The pair previously joined forces on Marvel’s cosmic epic, Empyre.
“I really love Al’s books, so I’m very happy to have the chance to be on his side in this new adventure. We already had the chance to work together, a few years ago on Mighty Avengers and more recently on Empyre, so now we trust each other and we can use a more ‘flexible’ working method. He can switch from full script to ‘Marvel style’ when needed, and I can change panels or layouts when I think that could work better. This is definitely one the best working partnerships I’ve ever had,” Schiti said. “I can’t say much about what S.W.O.R.D. does, but I can say that every team member will have a peculiar role to play. That’s why I designed their uniforms with technical clothing, urban outfits, and even ceremonial uniforms: every role needed a different reference and a different starting point. The space outfits are inspired by trekking or hiking clothes, far from the typical space suit because these characters are explorers, not astronauts.”
Head over to for more information, including a look at some of Schiti’s character design sheets, and prepare for the latest evolution in the ongoing saga of mutantkind when S.W.O.R.D. launches this December.
Zachary Jenkins co-hosts the podcast Battle of the Atom and is the former editor-in-chief of ComicsXF. Shocking everyone, he has a full and vibrant life outside all this.